Räkett69 is an Estonian science show dedicated to young people aged 15 to 22, covering topics ranging from physics to psychology!
In Estonia, the most popular reality show is called Räkett69. This Estonian science show challenges young people aged 15 to 22 on topics ranging from physics to psychology. Theory alone is not enough, Rocket 69 wants the contestants to come up with concrete solutions that really work. They need to understand how the world works. To do this, they must have a good general knowledge and a solid scientific foundation. The qualities required of the candidates are courage and a great thirst for knowledge.
15 competitors (out of more than 100 candidates) are selected via a scientific maze. Then 3 teams of 5 people are formed. In each episode, one person is eliminated, until the last 2 finalists build a Rube Goldberg machine, a machine that performs a simple task in a deliberately complex way.
The contestant whose machine is the most accurate wins the competition.