Flower your school, flower your heart
Diana Léocadie

It is divided into several areas: the creation of an inspiring and soothing garden, open-air classrooms, work on anchoring to secure the student's journey and learning (welcome, highlights, valuing talents and skills, development of educational alliances), the student's sense of belonging to his or her class group, his or her school, his or her neighbourhood, his or her territory, the Earth, based on the richness of his or her heritage, exemplary behaviour as a lever to encourage perseverance and commitment to humanist values. Taking care of the tree is, in the end, taking care of oneself and of others.

In this approach, the environment is linked to a problem highlighted by various experiments carried out: how to restore the pleasure of learning to pupils who are often in a fragile situation and at risk of dropping out?
Target age group
10-15 yo
About you
We are French teachers at Cambuston College, located on the east coast of Saint-André, on Reunion Island. We have experimented with various pedagogical approaches, on themes such as perseverance, theatre, education for sustainable development, cultural diversity, heritage, powerful mediators to enter into learning and to give the desire to learn. We have also shared these experiences through articles in Les Cahiers Pédagogiques and La Revue de Santé Scolaire et Universitaire. The specificity of our school has allowed us to design a pedagogical project in connection with the student's immediate environment. Since 2014, this project has been tested and evaluated. Mail: dianafontaine@wanadoo.fr / sydalise.d@orange.fr
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