The school is a garden. The student, a being in flower
Diana Léocadie
The floral metaphor, the main thread of this book, offers an innovative approach, that of a poetic of pedagogy: the school, a garden; the pupil, a being in flower, in the process of becoming. It shows, through various experiments, that it is possible to use the environment, whether real or dreamt, to renew the relationship to learning and knowledge.
The passage through writing is a desire to bear witness to the field, to the daily life of the classroom, in its ordinary and extraordinary aspects. It is therefore also a collection of experiences, a notebook of adventures that relates innovations and reflections on the process of teaching in movement, like the world in which it is embedded.
To discover an experiment
Target age group
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About you
We are French teachers at Cambuston College, located on the east coast of Saint-André, on Reunion Island. We have experimented with various pedagogical approaches, on themes such as perseverance, theatre, education for sustainable development, cultural diversity, heritage, powerful mediators to enter into learning and to give the desire to learn.
We have also shared these experiences through articles in Les Cahiers Pédagogiques and La Revue de Santé Scolaire et Universitaire.
The floral metaphor, the main thread of this book, offers an innovative approach, that of a poetic of pedagogy: the school, a garden; the pupil, a being in flower, in the process of becoming. It shows, through various experiments, that it is possible to use the environment, whether real or dreamt, to renew the relationship to learning and knowledge.
The passage through writing is a desire to bear witness to the field, to the daily life of the classroom, in its ordinary and extraordinary aspects. It is therefore also a collection of experiences, a notebook of adventures that relates innovations and reflections on the process of teaching in movement, like the world in which it is embedded.
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